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Important Information About Autism Care Demonstration Applied Behavior Analysis Provider 2024 Annual Training Requirements

Thursday, December 21, 2023

In the first quarter of 2024, Health Net Federal Services, LLC (HNFS) will assign Autism Corporate Services Providers (ACSP) and sole applied behavior analysis (ABA) providers HNFS’ Annual Autism Care Demonstration Training for Applied Behavior Analysis Providers training module.

You will receive an email from “TRICARE West Online Learning” containing a unique username (your email address) and password that you will use to log into the training module. Use your unique username and password to log into the module and ensure you receive credit for completing the training. The email also will have a link to the training module, instructions and your training due date.

Important: This is an annual requirement, so even if you completed the training in 2023, you must complete it in 2024. Providers who miss the 90-day due date will be subject to a 10% penalty that will be applied to all claims billed under your Tax ID (including all practice locations) starting on day 91. This penalty will be remedied once you complete the training; however, the penalty will remain for the days you were not in compliance. We will send reminder emails to help you stay on track.

If you need to delegate the training to someone else in your provider group, please email ACDNetwork@hnfs.com or contact our ACD customer service line.

Training Highlights

The annual training provides an overview of the ACD, including:

  • Eligibility and diagnosis 
  • Referrals and authorizations
  • Medical documentation requirements
  • Claims
  • Billing 
  • Audits

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is required to take the annual training? 

ACSPs and sole ABA providers must take this training each year. However, HNFS encourages sharing the training with all ABA providers and staff in your practice. In addition to the link provided in your assignment email, we will post the 2024 training module and a downloadable, printable version on our Annual Provider Training page by Jan. 1, 2024.

How long do I have to complete the training? 

You will have 90 days to complete the training once it is assigned. You will be able to stop and save your progress, as needed. Please refer to the important information above about missing the 90-day due date.

Can I use my password from last year?

If you took the annual ACD training in 2023 and already have a password, please use that password instead of the default password included in your training notification from TRICARE West Online Learning.

For new users, use the default password in your training notification from TRICARE West Online Learning.

What if I forgot my password or can’t access the training?

If you need to request a new password to access the training, please email ACDNetwork@hnfs.com or contact our ACD customer service line.

For additional information on the ACD, refer to our ACD page.